*160,22 The small intestine and stomach are connected. >S(11),166,161 *161,22 The small intestine coils off from the left of the stomach like a telephone cord. Most of it is under the liver. >S(11),166,162 *162,22 After the stomach, the small intestine is the next stop in the frog's digestive system. >S(11),166,163 *163,22 Its main function is to absorb the nutrients in the food. >B(10),166,0 >E(11),166,164 *164,22 Small projections, called villi, line the small intestine's inside, giving it more surface area. >E(11),166,165 *165,22 With a greater surface area, more nutrition is absorbed. >E(10),166,0 *166,32 The small intestines of the frog and human have a lot in common. >S(01),0,167 *167,32 Both have villi and both have three sections: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. >B(00),0,0 >E(01),0,168 *168,32 Uncoiled to its full length, a frog's small intestine is only a few inches. >E(01),0,169 *169,32 The unwound small intestine of an adult human is 18 to 23 feet long. >E(00),0,0 *1000